I'm a REAL Real Housewife of Vancouver!

April 30, 2013

Well, what a fun day!

Today I am being featured on an awesome Vancouver based blog called The Thirties Grind. Written by Melissa Carr, mom to two gorgeous kiddos, this blog is great.  Melissa writes about the insanely high costs of Vancouver real estate, topics relevant to her life and family, and profiles local Vancouver area moms.  Inspired by the reality show franchise that profiles ‘housewives’ in various cities in North America, this feature interviews real women and moms in the Lower Mainland of BC.

From her website: “The REAL Real Housewives of YVR is all about profiling inspiring, amazing, REAL Vancouver women. Each of the women profiled graciously agreed to answer the same questions posed to the women who applied to be on the actual TV Show, The Real Housewives of Vancouver.”

Today it was me!

Click here to check it out.

While I certainly don’t consider myself a housewife in the traditional sense, being a keeper of the house is one of the hats I wear, in addition to being a mom, teacher, and small business owner.

It’s totally out of my comfort zone to be profiled in such a widely-read blog, but life is about taking chances, right?

Please, check out Melissa’s blog, she also is passionate about the problems of gender stereotyping in kids toys, and protecting kids from online bullying.


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