Bare Bum Balm

Every Folk: Candace

January 13, 2023

Meet Candace: Every Folk Series

Meet Candace, a woman with sensitive skin and an active interest in green living. She tried the Sola Coconut Deodorant, All Better Balm, Soft Skin Balm, and the Bare Bum Balm. Here is what she said about Sola Skincare: 

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Every Folk: Meg

June 28, 2017

 Meet Meg. She's 23 years old, lives in the Okanagan Valley, and she's going back to school in the fall to pursue becoming a teacher. Meg tried our Coconut Deodorant, Bare Bum Balm, Relief Balm and Rose Hydrosol. Here's what Meg had to say...

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The Bare Bum Balm: How It Heals Way Beyond The Diaper Years

May 08, 2017

Our family: Lila and Sophie
Read on to learn 13 ways to use our Bare Bum Balm beyond the diaper years...

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Bare Bum Balm: Not for bums only!

July 09, 2015

Sola Skincare Bare Bum Balm

While at the beach the other day (where we’ve been spending a lot of time lately – not complaining!) a good friend mentioned how she had been using our Bare Bum Balm on a rash that had developed on her older sons body after too much time in the pool.

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Ingredient Spotlight: Organic Dried Calendula

Ingredient Spotlight: Organic Dried Calendula

March 03, 2015

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Protecting Chapped Cheeks in Colder Weather

Protecting Chapped Cheeks in Colder Weather

November 24, 2014

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Golden Bare Bum Balm Herb-Infused Oil

Golden Bare Bum Balm Herb-Infused Oil

October 31, 2014

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Chinese Herbal Infusions

October 11, 2014

I just started some new herbal infusions for our Coconut Deodorant, Bare Bum Balm and Balancing Face Oil.

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Bare Bum Balm: Not Only for Bums!

Bare Bum Balm: Not Only for Bums!

October 04, 2014

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What's New At Sola Skincare: Bare Bum Balm

November 04, 2013

Made with soothing and calming ingredients, Bare Bum Balm is used to heal and protect the delicate skin of a baby.

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Bare Bum Balm and Chick Pea Blondies

October 09, 2013

Today I was busy getting new labels written out and ordered, working out the design and text for our new Bare Bum Balm (which will be making it’s debut later this month), and generally doing some thinking on how to word things, different containers to consider, that sort of thing. 

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