Meet Lindsay, a 34-year-old communications specialist and freelance writer from Vancouver BC. Lindsay tried our Coconut Deodorant, Calendula & Rose Cleansing Grains, and Balancing Face Oil. Here's what she had to say...
We chose to support Quest Food Exchange this past quarter. Read on to learn more about this wonderful Vancouver organization.
Here are some of our favourite products to reduce our ecological footprint in the kitchen...
We have been hard at work over the last few months creating our new and improved Sola Skincare website! Have a poke around, sign up for our monthly newsletter (short and sweet and featuring a fabulous deal) and please feel free to leave any reviews for products you've tried of ours in the past!
The holiday season is upon us, and each year I become more thoughtful about the gifts I give. I want to support local businesses whose values align with ours and I want to share sustainable and eco products that I love.
Around this time of year last year, kind of last minute… I gathered some like-minded friends and artisans and held a Holiday Pop Up Shop at Rocky Point Wellness.
Recently we purchased a spray-free veggie box from local farm God’s Little Acre in Surrey BC. The box was *full* of amazing veggies. I looked at all the wonderful carrots, and thought… soup. I needed to make soup.
We are so fortunate to live in a community that has such strong support for small local businesses. Some of our favourite places to shop include Soko Tea House in Port Moody run by a lovely family we’ve gotten to know.