Plastic Ocean Pollution and What We Can Do To Help

October 09, 2014

We had a great time at the Plastic Oceans fund raiser last night in Vancouver, and learned a lot about all of the plastic pollution that is having such a detrimental effect on our planet.

Did you know that 80% of maritime pollution is plastic? And 2/3’s of seabirds ingest plastic. microbead pollution

We learned some heartbreaking facts but know that there are good people out there who are working towards educating the public. There are so many contributing factors to plastic ocean pollution, from microbeads in certain skincare and toothpaste products, to water bottles and plastic bags. These items get broken down into smaller pieces, which then get ingested by fish, seabirds, whales and other creatures who live in the ocean. If you’re eating fish, chances are, you’re eating plastic.

One of the reasons we created our Cleansing Grains was because so many exfoliating scrubs contained micro beads. These micro beads are being found in lakes, oceans, and in the bellies of sea creatures, who ingest them, thinking they are food. Our cleansing grains don’t have any plastic in them, instead relying on ground oats, adzuki, goat milk powder and ground herbs for exfoliation. These ingredients are organic materials, and are not contributing to plastic ocean pollution. Cleansing Grains

If you can do one thing today, try to decrease your plastic consumption. Buy a reusable water bottle, bring your own carry bags to the grocery store. This problem is reversible, but it does take work.

If you haven’t checked out the work Plastic Oceans is doing, please take a minute to check out their website. When you know better, you do better.

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