God's Little Acre

October 17, 2014

God's Little Acre

There is this farm in Surrey, BC, that is a magical place.

The veggies are all grown free from pesticides, and GMO’s. The people are warm, caring and giving. The produce is the tastiest, healthiest and cheapest I’ve ever come across in the Lower Mainland (known for it’s expensive everything!).

GLA veggie bounty

The man in charge is doing something amazing. Jas Singh’s goal for 2014 is to donate 500,000lbs of food to charity. From the website:

“The general public likes the fact that we are not committed to death and that it is a basic operation of one person with a vision and now over 1100 people on the volunteer database. People respond to simplicity, I will always keep the charity side of God’s Little Acre at zero administration costs. There are plenty of wonderful people running wonderful charities that do a great job but this is grassroots. Don’t be surprised if in 5 years, God’s Little Acre has ten retail stores, but it better be giving away millions of pounds of product or it’s not happening.”

GLA soph lila

Our own family has visited the farm many times this year. Whether we’re going to pick up the best fruits and veggies (pesticide and GMO free), or going to help pull mountains of carrots from the ground. GLA Sophie carrots

We’ve been recently to get pumpkins and squash, and the girls had so much fun checking out the vintage tractors and farm equipment set up to explore. GLA Lila tractor

This place is amazing. The volunteers work tirelessly, and Jas’ vision is simple and pure. Feed the hungry, donate food to those who need it, and he doesn’t take a salary from the charity side of the farm. Recently there was a teachers strike in BC which lasted too long. He told teachers to come to the farm, take what they needed, and pay back later, when and if they could. He told teachers to keep track of it, no registration required. He is doing the right thing, and fighting the good fight, but it’s often the hardest. GLA Lila carrot

From the website: “We don’t need this project to make a profit on the backs of hungry people and  it will remain that way. I have no problem living in the same poverty spectrum as the people we serve and fighting our way out the easy way…which is often the hard way. See you at the farm!”

GLA Eran carrots

We wanted to do something to help. Although we’re a small start-up family run business, it’s important to us to support those who need help, and even though we can’t do a lot, often the little things add up.

From October 17, 2014 -October 31 2014, we’d like to donate 5% of our online sales to God’s Little Acre. It may not end up being a lot, but hopefully word will get out, and at the end of these two weeks, we’ll be able to have a sizable donation to give. If you’re thinking of early Christmas shopping, this would be a good time :)

GLA soph lila me

If this is something that resonates with you, please share it. If you know someone who loves good clean food, and good clean skincare, please share. If you want to visit the farm, please do, it is an amazing place and you won’t be disappointed. They have a wonderful facebook page, go and like them, and check them out in person if you can. They are located at 16582-40 Ave, Surrey BC, V3S 0L2

GLA carrot love

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