The Making of Coconut Deodorant

November 06, 2014

The Making of Coconut Deodorant

There are so many steps to complete when you are hand making things, whether it’s jam, a sweater, a painting, or Coconut Deodorant.

I thought I’d detail some of the steps of the process, since that’s something I’ve always been fascinated by; how things are made.

Ingredients are gathered, melted and mixed.coco deo melting

Product is poured, weighed and left to set.

Coco Deo freshly made

Labels are counted, label inventory adjusted, and batch numbers written, before being applied to products.

Finally ready to be sold!

Before I created Sola Skincare, I always appreciated handmade goods. I’ve always loved homemade presents, because I know they are made with love and care, and a lot of work is put into them. I’m becoming more and more aware of just how much work it all is.  It’s all worth it of course, and it makes me just want to surround myself and my home with handmade things…. things that have a story, that have a personal touch and that have a connection to the person who made it.

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