Homemade Carrot Coconut Curry Soup

November 24, 2015

Recently we purchased a spray-free veggie box from local farm God’s Little Acre in Surrey BC. The box was *full* of amazing veggies. I looked at all the wonderful carrots, and thought… soup.  I needed to make soup.

god's little acre veggie box

It was as easy as chopping up veggies and throwing them in the slow cooker. Added some spices, broth and coconut milk, gave it a whirl with the immersion blender, and it’s just delicious. It made a lot, so plenty for lunches for the week, and some extra to freeze in mason jars for down the road.

Carrot Coconut Curry Soup

Carrot Coconut Curry Soup

2 onions, diced

a bunch of chopped and peeled carrots (I’m not sure how many, maybe 8-10 cups worth? Basically until my crock pot was pretty much full.)

2T curry powder

3T peeled and chopped fresh ginger

1t dried chili flakes

s&p to taste

2L broth

2 cans coconut milk

Slow cook for hours until veggies are soft. Whirl with the immersion blender, and add 2 cans of coconut milk. Gobble up. Freeze leftovers in glass mason jars, making sure to leave enough room for expansion so your jars don’t break (about 1″) and don’t tighten lids until frozen.

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