best granola ever!

April 01, 2022

I have a lovely friend named Rachel, and she shares the best recipes on her Instagram @rachel_nd

Years ago she shared her granola recipe, and I've been obsessed ever since. 


The recipe:

4 cups whole oats, 1 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/4 cup each of pumpkin and sesame seeds (I had black sesame seeds on hand), 2 tbsp each of chia seeds, hemp hearts and ground flax.

You could use different seeds, omit any that you don't like, add nuts, etc - it's very forgiving. 

Add to a big bowl, then add your spices:

1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp nutmeg. 

Give it all a stir, then melt 1/4 cup each of syrup and coconut oil on the stove, pour over the mixture, give a good stir, and add 1/2 cup chocolate chips. 

Pour onto a cookie sheet, pop into a 350 degree over for 30 minutes (stirring halfway), and done. YUM!!!


So good. Sooooooo good! It's a fabulous recipe, and I hope you like it.

You've obviously worked up quite a sweat making this (watching this?),  so don't forget to put on your CocoDeo!

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