Every Folk: Danielle

April 07, 2017

 Danielle of Wild Coast Tales

Meet Danielle, a 28-year old communications professional living and working in Vancouver, British Columbia. When she isn’t working in BC’s liquor industry, you can find Danielle walking on the seawall, running on the trails, climbing one of the North Shore mountains, or blogging about it at Wild Coast Tales. Danielle has sensitive skin that is prone to redness. She tried the Sola Balancing Face Oil, Rose Hydrosol, Coconut Deodorant, and the Soft Skin Balm. This is what she said about trying these products for the first time: 

Several years ago, I changed my diet to predominantly whole foods. I have done my best to eliminate processed foods, chemicals, and toxins from my diet. But honestly, had never seriously considered doing the same to my skincare regimen.

A friend introduced me to Sola Skincare’s products this winter. I was immediately drawn to the business, from their small-batch, locally-made products, to their use of Chinese herbs and only pure and natural ingredients. I figured it was time to clean up my skincare routine!

Sola Balancing Face Oil

I’ve always had sensitive skin, prone to redness. In the winter, I find the redness worsens and I often suffer from dry skin on my face and hands. I was excited to try the Balancing Face Oil, Rose Hydrosol, and Soft Skin Balm. While using the Balancing Face Oil took a bit of getting used to, it became an incredibly relaxing evening routine.

Sola Rose Hydrosol

The Sola Rose Hydrosol makes my skin feel refreshed and I love the calming smells of the oil. After using the products consistently for a few weeks, I’ve noticed decreased redness, less irritation (especially around my jaw line and cheekbones), and an overall better glow to my skin.

Rubbing a small amount of the Soft Skin Balm into my hands has helped greatly with the dryness, and I can feel good about the products I’m putting on my skin.

Sola Coconut Deodorant and Soft Skin Balm

I was most curious to try out the Sola Coconut Deodorant and admittedly a little skeptical. I’m a very active person, working out 1-2 times per day, and have tried and failed to find an effective natural deodorant in the past. I was honestly surprised how well the deodorant worked and lasted throughout a workout and my day! Success. I’ll definitely be adding this product to my gym bag!

You can follow Danielle on Instagram at @wildcoasttales.



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