How We Reduce Our Family’s Ecological Footprint In the Kitchen

April 20, 2017

It’s Earth Day this week! We aim to be more earth friendly on a regular basis, making small but important changes that just become part of our day to day routine. This year, we hope to inspire you to make positive changes for the benefit of the environment, whether that change is incremental or a complete transformation, so that earth day becomes a daily celebration.

Here are some of our favourite products to reduce our ecological footprint in the kitchen:

Lunch Containers

Abeego Beeswax Food Wrap

If you brown-bags your family's lunches, you can make small changes to make your daily routine more eco-friendly. In our post on how to reduce your use of plastic, we talked about how our family uses metal lunch containers from Lunch Bots and cloth snack bags. We also frequently use beeswax food wrap by Abeego as we talked about in our "Greening Our Food Storage" blog post.

Shopping Bags

Carebags Produce Bags

If you bring your own reusable shopping bags to the market, you are doing the planet a service. We've recently discovered these stretchy and reusable produce bags made by Canadian-company Carebags. They are great bags for zero-waste grocery shopping. We also try to buy only food products that don't use unnecessary packaging (Do you remember our Sobey's Avocado Story?).

All-Natural Cleaning

All-Natural DIY Cleaning Solutions

Many of the most-popular soaps and detergents include ingredients that are not only toxic to your family, they also pollute our environment when they go down our drain. We've committed to making our own all-natural cleaning products to help to reduce our environmental impact--both within the home and outside our home. Check out this past blog post on how to make three all-natural cleaning solutions.

If you missed our previous post, check out, "How We Reduce Our Family's Ecological Footprint In the Bathroom" for more inspiration on green living.




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